Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Lesson Learned In Waxing

Many times we find that we do a procedure without knowing the full consequence to the action Waxing is one of easiest to make mistakes therefore I like to share some waxing stories.If anyone has a Lesson Learned In Waxing Please E-mail me your story so I may share it. Please E-mail your story to

My Story I like to share happened when I started a new job at a salon and I decided to practice waxing on our staff. I just started working at a Salon in the Castro in San Francisco and my waxing skills where at the basic, mostly speed waxing and upper lips, brows, legs underarms, bikini waxing.
 So as we were creating a new menu my boss asked me if I could think up any other services I could offer in waxing and I gave it some thought being most of their clients were men, I replied lets add ears and nose waxing should sell well, 
So we added it on and I told him I saw a video on ear and nose waxing I like to practice first before we offered the service,  he replied that would be great in fact I am sure the staff will volunteer to have it done.
With that said  I lined them up and one by one I had them sit on my waxing chair as I performed my nose waxes first.
 Now nose waxes can be fun,, Its a simple process of taking a small upper lip wood stick the size of a cuticle pusher and swirling the wax on the tip then placing it in the middle of the hole in the nostril then you pinch the nostril closed till the wax dries then pulling straight down on the stick and by God you have at least 20 or more hairs on that stick,
 Now we were all so impressed everyone in the salon wanted to have their nose hair removed. 
With everyone happy from free services we all went home that day feeling aesthetically  clean. 
The next day one of our staff called in sick  and we carried on however the next day another staff came down with a cold. The following day I was off and sitting at home when I turned on Dr Oz show and the show was about The Triangle of Death.
 I sat and listened, well the triangle of death is the area on our face from nose to mouth that contracts germs when we pluck hair in the nose area or pop pimples. This is how  nasty bacteria can get into these open pore areas and caused some serious damage.  The show went on about the dangers of plucking hair from the nose and after watching the rest of the show I was pretty sold on the  knowledge he presented.
 Anyways over the next few days I even came down with a cold and it make practical sense that if you pluck the nose hair, those hairs are no longer there to protect the lining of the tissue and when you pluck the nose hair it can tear the lining allowing  bacteria to inner the tissue.
So this is how  I learned my lesson, and I choose not to offer nose waxing to my clients.
 Here is the link to the article on Doc Oz -Facing Triangle Death

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